Who Qualifies for the Study (Enrollment Criteria)?
The requirements to participate in the Screening Visit for the study:
- Girls who are between 9- and 13-years-olds
- Boys who are between 10- and 14-years-olds
- Children and teens who have elevated weight with body mass index (BMI) greater than 85th percentile. Try the CDC BMI Calculator here.
What Happens at the Screening Visit?
Here's what we will do for the Screening Visit:
There's no cost for the screening visit, and the parent or guardian and child will be compensated for their time and participation in the study visits.
- Collect general information about your child, your child’s health, and medical history
- Ask questions about mom’s health during pregnancy with this child and if your family has a history of type 2 diabetes
- Measure your child’s weight and height, and check their puberty stage
- Perform a blood test called a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) to see how well your child’s body has been handling blood sugar
There's no cost for the screening visit, and the parent or guardian and child will be compensated for their time and participation in the study visits.